Reflection/ Daily Blog


In the Color Purple Mr.____ has been moping around since he has found out hat Shug Avery is in town. He was happy in the beginning but afterwards he became depressed and through that situation is showed how Celie and Mr.____ didn't have the bond that would be created during marriage. While dealing with that situation Harpo has found a women that he loves and he impregnated her hoping that her father would approve of his life with Sophia, his girlfriend. I don't understand why Mr.____ doesn't like Sophia because she hasn't done anything but still Harpo's heart. Harp sees that his dad will not approve of their relationship, but he married her anyway. When he married her their marriage seemed from the outside but on the inside they were struggling with roles because Sophia wasn't listening to Harpo. Harpo asked Celie for advice and she told him to beat Sophia which only made the situation worse. In my opinion Sophia shouldn't have told Harpo that because she should not want a women to be beaten since she has been beaten all of her life. This advice made Sophia look at Celie different because she though she was a close companion but in this situation she seemed not to be.

Daily Blog:

My day started off rough when I didn't wake up on time to catch the school bus, but I went to sleep on time so I don't understand why I overslept. When I got to school I watched presentations in my Economics class which is not interesting. The rest of my day was the same routine which is learning new lessons in Calculus and reading the Color Purple book in Literature. Fast forwarding to the res t of my day, I had a hair appointment after practice for senior group pictures and it turned out okay. I am really sick because of my siblings and all I want to do is got sleep when I take my medicine. Hopefully I get pass this sickness and have a more interesting day.


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