Comparison of Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow

Infant Joy is a poem written by William Blake that is describing how new born could bring joy into the world. In Infant Joy the speaker is speaking as the infant to show how the infant is innocent and can not help but to be joyful. This novel is explaining to readers that an infant comes into the world unamed but still is full of happiness. When a child is brung into the world there are mixed emotions of happiness and sadness. In Infant Sorrow the unhappiness of an infant being born is described. In this poem the speaker is speaking to the parents of the world who are scared when their child is born.  This describes that as the child is born into this world they are only used to being in their mothers wound. When the infant is released from the wound it is released into thia toxic society that would push him towards his mothers breast.

Infant Joy and Imfant sorrow are two poems that establish a voice to parents and newborns feelings when they are born. They are both pointing out the fact that as a newborn babies have no choice over what obstacles they will go through in life. In both poem it is being explained that babies go through a journey to be in this world. Infants comr into this world scared because if whst they are released unto but end up being joyful when they find out how it feels to be loved on the outside. Borh poems are describing how an infant feels when they have been pushed into this world.


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