
Showing posts from 2019

Book Review for Wise Blood

My Novel is Wise Blood by Flannery O'Conner. The genres of my book is fiction and southern Gothic.  The main character's in Wise are Hazel Motes who is from Eastrod, Tennessee, Enoch Emory, Asa Hawks, Sabbath Lily Hawks, Mrs. Flood, and Onnie Jay Holly. In this novel Hazel Motes is having trouble with dealing with his religion and what path he would like to follow in life, so he results to founding a Church without Christ, because of seeing Asa Hawks with his daughter preaching one day. While Hazel was preaching one day Holly joined as one of his disciples, but it caused a conflict between the two when Hazel found out that Holly was using his foundation as a source of income and Hazel did not like that. Enoch Emery met Hazel while he was watching Asa Hawks preach and followed Hazel around, but all along he was dealing with mental health issues and trying to fight his "inner animal". The novel was in all actually interesting and different from anything else I've re


Today’s lesson on writing a body paragraph was very interesting. I learned that I have a problem with finding my claim and giving suporting details to back it up. It is extremely difficult for me to not overthink the prompt and to wonder off of topic. I realized that I have to be wise on what claims I choose to back up my thesis statement because I will need to be able to have a claim that I can adress in different ways and from multiple events.

Daily Blog

Today has been a wonderful day and I refuse to let anything ruin my mood. My Calculus class was pretty intense today because of the difficult problems but all I could do is try and keep working until I get a clear understanding. The rest of my school day was filled with work until after school when I had work outs again. I am extremely tired and sore from all the working out but it will all pay off. The rest of my day will be consisted of laying in the bed and possibly laying in the bed on my phone.

Weekend Blog

Weeknd Blog:  My weekend has been quite interesting. Friday I had a dress consultation and it went pretty well but I know its going to be pretty expensive because Im reall extra and spoiled. After my dress consultation I was supposed to go to cook out but I ended up going to the gym with my boyfriend and bestfriend and I really enjoyed myself. Saturday I had a 10 hour shift at work so trust me I didnt do anything that day, I was extremely tired. Sunday was good I learned that in all situations that I have to be strong and deal with my problems alone and everything doesnt need a reaction. Thats all becaue a great talk that I had with my boyfriend.

Letter to God by Mr.____ Daddy


Reflection/ Daily Blog

Reflection: In the letters we read today Celia has seen Shug Avery for the first time. Shug Avery is very which could be the reason why she was so rude to Celie during their first encounter by calling her ugly. Shug is extremely rude while she has been staying in Mr.____ house. She seems ungrateful and very stubborn when it comes to being served. Mr.____ Is giving off the idea that they were inlove , but from Shug’s actions it seems as if they didnt have a relationship at all. When Shug is introduced in the letter I didnt like her because she was very when all Celie did was care for her and idolize her even though she didn’t know that. Shug eventually started to warm up to Celia and Im excited to see how far their friendship go and if Celie would gain a female companion. Daily Blo I actually had a good day today beausee I wasn’t irritated today and I actually had a good time taking my senior portraits. After school I worked out and my legs were burning sooo bad. Im really tired so

Reflection/ Daily Blog

Reflection: In the Color Purple Mr.____ has been moping around since he has found out hat Shug Avery is in town. He was happy in the beginning but afterwards he became depressed and through that situation is showed how Celie and Mr.____ didn't have the bond that would be created during marriage. While dealing with that situation Harpo has found a women that he loves and he impregnated her hoping that her father would approve of his life with Sophia, his girlfriend. I don't understand why Mr.____ doesn't like Sophia because she hasn't done anything but still Harpo's heart. Harp sees that his dad will not approve of their relationship, but he married her anyway. When he married her their marriage seemed from the outside but on the inside they were struggling with roles because Sophia wasn't listening to Harpo. Harpo asked Celie for advice and she told him to beat Sophia which only made the situation worse. In my opinion Sophia shouldn't have told Harpo that

Daily Blog 3

Well today has been an adventurous day, but I have learned life lessons. The most important is that I cannot expect for people to treat me likeI treat them and that holding my feelings inside will only hurt mw no one else. School was caotic because of it being Monday of course and my attitude was kind of iffy. After school I went home and watched television then i headed to work where I am now doing this blog. My night will consisting od cleaning at work and going hom to sleep. This day may have been bad like my others, but I wouldnt take it back or regret wny events. This day made a huge weight lisft off of my shoulders because I expressed everything that I was holding in and I feel at ease with myself.

Weekend Blog

I acually had a nice time this weekend because it didnt consist of me sitting at home and working. Saturday I worked out that morning which I am so sore from then I went bowling and out to eat with some friends. I had a lot of fun because I rarely get a Saturday off. Sunday I did the usual which is going to work early in the morning then I got off of work at 6. That night I had a coworker party and we went skating and suprisingly I didnt fall. When I got home I fell asleep which is why im blogging today. In all I had a great weekend and I hope next week is the same way.

Reflection/ Daily Blog 2

In letters 7 to 9 Celia has taken Nettie's spot as Misters wife because Fonso is refusing to let Nettie leave. It seems as if Fonso's focus is to bring her down and make her feel like less as a woman, because when he was  describing Celia he was calling her dumb, ugly, and saying she was only worthy of cleaning up. From Fonso's word choice it seems as if he only wanted to use Celia in the moment to get what he wanted, but now that he had her he wants to give her away to someone else. In Celia 9th letter she is taking care of Misters kids and from her written experience I could tell that being with Mister is going to be a wild ride. Daily Blog 2: My day has been really boring since I did not go to school. I had an eye appointment so my eyes were very dilated which was cool in the moment, until I wanted to get on social media and text. Since my day is halfway gone, the only thing that I will do is go to work and talk on the phone as usual. 

Reflection/Daily Blog

In the Color Purple, from the looks of Celia’s letters she has had a tragic child hood that may affect her in her adult life. She describes every detail about her trauma which makes me understand the pain and suffering she has went through. From reading her letters, I could tell that she is strong because even thought she is going through her issues with her father she still finds a way to try and protect her sister from being in the predicament that she is in. The Color Purple seems like a great book that will give me a lot of opportunities to improve my analysing skills. Daily Blog: My day has been filled with irritation, anger, and trouble as usual, but like all the other days I find a way to make it through. I learned a lesson in Calcus which like usual will slip my mind for a while until I actually grasp the concept. During school I have enjoyes myself for a small amount of time but when I went to work it was very boring, so I had to find many ways to entertain myself. Due

Vocabulary Quiz

1. Lament- A passionate expression of grief or sorrow 2. Momentous Decision or event of great importance or significance 3. Dearth- Lack of something 4.Accumulate- Gather together or acquire an increasing number of quantity 5.Obsolete- No longer produced or used 6. Fleeting- Move or pass quickly 7. Incongruous- Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings of something 8.Controversial- Likely to give rise to public disagreement 9. Profound- Having or showing great knowledge 10.Opulence- Great wealth or luxuriousness Throughout Larry's life he has always had this characteristic of lament due to his momentous acts in the past. When ever he wanted to have happiness, he would have to accumulate many friends, but the vibe would eventually become dearth. His feelings became obsolete and he would notice himself fleeting when in relationships. Even though he was not able to to grasp feelings for others, he was extremely profound with being a counselor with other relationships.


While I was going through the process of creating this story I realized that every monster is created for a reason. A monster is not created with the intention to kill, they are driven to be killer based off of their past with the people they are surrounded by. When someone kills they either kill for revenge or because they think they are destined to. With this project my classmates presentations made me realize that every person is human in a way and they still have feelings. If one is bullied or pushed to far they will retaliate and may not be in the most pleasant way.

Short Story

  It was a normal day at Gilliard elementary school except for in Mr. Rease's pre-k class. it all started when Antonio and Lucy made a play dough monster. all of the other kids thought it looked disgusting due to its different sized eyes, unfamiliar head shape, and its gloomy formed teeth. even though the monster they created seemed weird, the kids decided to give it a name: Edwardo. however, Jonathan put the icing on the cake by adding a special booger making the toy play dough monster, Edwardo, come to life. once recess was over, the kids came back inside not expecting the monster to be there. the kids shouted with fear and tried to run out but the door, all of a saddened becomes jammed leaving them stuck inside with the horrible monster. with a look of suspense, Mr. Rease returned to the room to see all of his students gone with Antonio's glasses still on the floor. Edwardo ate the children leaving Mr. Rease with calling for help to locking up the hideous monster. FOR LIFE

Poem about the Monster

Why am I here? Why am I here? Is it a choice of neglect? Why are the kids instilled with fear? Is it because of human regret? Since then of my creation. I did not understand my purpose. Which then triggered my frustration. Which led the children into being nervous. With my hideous looks and furious hunger. My sense of starvation began to rise. I snuck into their classroom eating and killing the younger. Leading me to shock when everyone dies. I don't know how to feel I don't know why I am here which causes me to kill ending my life yet severe.

Poem to the Monster

Edwardo the Monster All kids play with play dough, but on a particular day they created a monster named, Edwardo. he had a small right eye, but a huge left eye, which made one think, did my kids give the monster a stye. He had scars and hideous teeth, coming from the kids kicking him around the tree, in that moment I seen fire in his eyes, Which I felt that I may have to tell my kids goodbye. He always gave me a weird vibe, which explained his anger inside, later on in the darkness of my home, maybe I could've been tripping, until I heard covers ripping, The kids did a loud scream, which made my ears ring, I had no idea that my life would take this path, all I seen in the closet were my kids scraps.