No Fear King Lear Act 1 Scene 2&3 Reflection

In Act 1 Scene 2 Edomond has a trick up hos sleeve that is causing a problem with his brother and Farther. Edmond is making it seem as if his brother, Edgar, is trying to convince him to kill his dad to inherit money. In this scene is shows that Edmond is a selfish and coniving son. He says that he should not be called a bastard but the more he moves on with this plan, he is living up to the  meaning of that harsh word. Edmond convinced that he is better than Edgar because he was made with love. Edmond seems to only want the inheritance to himself so that he can prove to others that he is the better son and no longer a bastard. On the other hand, when talking to Edgar he maker it seems that he is trying to help Edgar with thr situation going on with his father. Edmond is trying to hide  Edgar away but in the end it may seem as if Edgar is making a plan or trying to run away,

In Act 1 Scene 2 Goneril seems to be fed up with her father’s tactics. She is stating to her servant that it is okay for them to not obide by king Lears rule because pf the way that he has been treating them. Goneril is unhappy with her father and it shows that she no longer cares about his respect since she has inherited her part of the land. Goneril is getting in over her head and it could cause a bad outcome.


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