The Sorrow of War Blog Assignment 2

" Scenes from the northern battlefront began forming before him and he saw once again the Ngoc Bo Ray peaks and the woods of the Screaming Souls. Then each man in his platoon reappeared before him in the room. By what magic was this happening to him? After the horrible slaughter which had wiped out his battalion, how could he see them again?" (pg.86).

1. This quote relates to theme of loss because he has loss many soldiers in his platoon while in the war.
2. This quote provides details about the setting of him doing his duties in the war and MIA team. This setting helps classify the period of the 1970's because this is around the time that he joined the MIA team.

" Now after after many years, whenever I see a flood I feel a sharp pang in my heart and think of my cruel stupidity. No human being deserved the torture I left him to suffer" (pg.94).

1.This quotation indicates a conflict with person vs. self, because Phan is beating his self up on the inside for not being able to find the soldier and save him like he promised.
2. This quote relates to the theme abandonment, because he feels that he has abandoned the survivor when he could not find the bomb crater.


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