Blog Assignment 3

It is important to conduct yourself in the appropriate way in class because It can effect other students. One's behavior could only affect their work ethic but it could also affect the people around them. The way you handle yourself in class could effect your image around the school. When you conduct yourself in the proper way it can make subjects much easier. It would also help you to stay focused and on track. When you conduct yourself in class it could be the main source to opportunities. The way you conduct yourself in class could be the outcome of your future.

The way you handle yourself in class could show how you would act in future classes. The way you conduct yourself in class could determine what type of student your teacher labels you as. How you conduct your self in class is like a transcript it would follow you through school. It could be the cost of you not being able to attend certain activities. When you conduct yourself in the appropriate way it could set an example for other students on how they should act in class. Conducting yourself in class could not only effect the students behavior but it can also effect their leaving experience. Thus is why it is important to conduct yourself in the appropriate way in class because it affects yourself and others.


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