
Showing posts from 2017

School is a basketball game

School is a basketball game Running down the court trying to make the shot showing off for the scouts hoping that they will notice you Getting fouls for things that you believed were okay Wishing that maybe you'll get a chance to take a break Tired because you stayed up all night practicing to make the crowd happy Hoping that your time is worth it, but always wondering how when your falling a sleep during halftime, but always thinking is it worth the stress, exhaustion, and pain

The Sorrow of War Blog Assignment 5

      The Sorrow of War has shown me that while fighting in the war one must choose between life or sacrifice. While in the war your life does not belong to you anymore. Every decision you make would affect yourself and your platoon as well. You can either choose to save yourself while in harms way or sacrifice yourself in order to save many other soldiers in your platoon. In this novel many soldiers chose to sacrifice their selves to save other injured soldiers.  The Sorrow of War has also showed me that when you grow up an branch of from your hometown and friends they will no longer be the same. You cannot depend on your significant other to be waiting on you when you get back. This novel has showed me this learning experience through Kien's postwar days because when he returned Hanoi had changed significantly and Phuong, his high school sweetheart, was not their for him when he got back.         The Sorrow of War is a novel written to open readers minds about the reality of fi

The Sorrow of War Blog Assignment 4

" In later years Kien regretted his harsh assessment of his father and his disdain for his dying words. He had been embarrassed about his eccentric father and had frequently shown dislike for his work and words when he was alive. That much was true." (pg.127). 1.This quote relates to the theme regret because he was embarrassed of his father and he never spent time with him. Now that Kien's father is gone he wished he could have spent more time with him and looked at his work. 2.This quotation indicates the conflict person vs. self because he fighting with his self for not spending time with his father. " We deserved to have had a happy life together, but events conspired against us. You know that. You know the circumstances as well as I do. Let's go our own separate ways from now on. Forever. It's the only way." (pg. 145). 1. This quote characterizes Kien and Phuong as a couple who still loves each other but they are realizing that their relation

The Sorrow of War Blog Assignment 3

" It was then she wanted to scream at him in the hatred for using her. Or scream at him in hatred for the discomfort. Or punish him of his dictatorial use of her spirit; he had ignored her eyes, her lips, her smile, her cheeks, her forehead, her neck, her breasts, her soft hands, her long legs, her swaying walk, her very breath and her mute but happy smile. A nd worse, her natural perfume of love" (pg.112). 1. This quote relates to the theme lonliness, because she wants to express her opinion but as a mute she cannot communicate verbally she can only listen. 2. This quote indicates the conflict person vs. person, because she wants him to see her as an attractive girl be he only uses her and see's her as a mute. " His father had hardly mentioned her. He had avoided talking about her for his own sake, to avoid suffering. He had resigned himself to his fate of keeping his family of two in modest circumstances. Later he began drinking and retreated into deep dreams

The Sorrow of War Blog Assignment 2

" Scenes from the northern battlefront began forming before him and he saw once again the Ngoc Bo Ray peaks and the woods of the Screaming Souls. Then each man in his platoon reappeared before him in the room. By what magic was this happening to him? After the horrible slaughter which had wiped out his battalion, how could he see them again?" (pg.86). 1. This quote relates to theme of loss because he has loss many soldiers in his platoon while in the war. 2. This quote provides details about the setting of him doing his duties in the war and MIA team. This setting helps classify the period of the 1970's because this is around the time that he joined the MIA team. " Now after after many years, whenever I see a flood I feel a sharp pang in my heart and think of my cruel stupidity. No human being deserved the torture I left him to suffer" (pg.94). 1.This quotation indicates a conflict with person vs. self, because Phan is beating his self up on the inside fo

The Sorrow of War Blog Assignment 1

"On the memorable night, near the Thuyen Quang park by the late, he saw two figures struggling on the ground under a kapok tree. One of them, a man, rose quickly and drew a knife from his belt. Kien jumped into the fray, kicked the man, then knocked him into a gutter before chasing him off. He turned to and saw that the second figure was an attractive girl"( pg.71). 1. This quote characterizes Kien as a caring person who is not afraid to sacrifice his well-being for someone in need. 2.This quote connects to the contemporary issue of domestic violence towards women in the world. "Kien took to starring out of his window for hours on end, then walking the dark streets, now and then looking back in hope. On bad nights he would lose control altogether and break down, sobbing into his pillow. Yet he knew that if she returned to him both of them would suffer again" (pg.85). 1.This quote relates to the theme of hope, because he is hoping that Phuong would change her

Blog Assignment 3

It is important to conduct yourself in the appropriate way in class because It can effect other students. One's behavior could only affect their work ethic but it could also affect the people around them. The way you handle yourself in class could effect your image around the school. When you conduct yourself in the proper way it can make subjects much easier. It would also help you to stay focused and on track. When you conduct yourself in class it could be the main source to opportunities. The way you conduct yourself in class could be the outcome of your future. The way you handle yourself in class could show how you would act in future classes. The way you conduct yourself in class could determine what type of student your teacher labels you as. How you conduct your self in class is like a transcript it would follow you through school. It could be the cost of you not being able to attend certain activities. When you conduct yourself in the appropriate way it could set an examp

The Image Poem

The grasp of peace as the wend whips Dirt scatters as birds and squirrels chatter They only talk for so long Until the change of weather comes along

Should What You Say on Facebook Be Grounds for Getting Fired?

What someone is saying on Facebook should not be the cause of getting fired. Facebook is a website for old family and friends to meet and keep in touch with each other. How someone expresses their self to their family and friends should not affect their employment at their job. Facebook is a personal website where you can express how your day is going or what your daily routine is. Others may think that you should keep your personal opinions off the web, but if that's the case why are you asked " what is on your mind" when you open Facebook. In Fact, when someone comes into an organization they are not focused on how you operate on Facebook they are focused on how you operate on the job. In addition, when your working at a job they do not tell you that you are required to put a limit to what you post on Facebook nor do they ask you to list the name on your Facebook profile. That should say that your personal life or your web posts should not interact with your employment

A Southbound Adventure

Christine and her husband, John, decided to hike the PCT to Mexico. Before they started their southbound hike toward the PCT they planned to take a low elevation alternate route for the first  60 miles. They chose this route because they heard of the bad conditions that had been on the PCT for the first South bounders. Due to Christine's fear of heights this plan did not work in her favor. When she arrived at the next section through Glacier Peak it was very challenging for her.  She would run out of energy quickly and collapse in the snow from exhaustion. Her hiker appetite did not kick in yet, so when she did collapse John would be handing her a jar of Nutella to eat. Even though she had hardships at Glacier Peaks, she still couldn't deny the amazing view from the mountains. When they got to the Oregon, multiple north bounders passed them. Later on they arrived in Northern California, they were happy that they could finally have the wilderness to their selves. When they passe

Blog Post Assignment 2

When I began my AP class on the first day of school, I felt that I was prepared. My first block is AP Chemistry, in the beginning, I was excited because I have taken this class before and I enjoyed it. When I got further into the class during these last two weeks I noticed that it is more challenging than honor classes and the class moves faster. My third block is Pre-Calculus and I enjoy math so, that class is not as difficult. My fourth block is AP English, the hardest class of them all. This class is treated as a college class. In this class, every assignment is timed and I am not accustomed to this yet, therefore, every assignment in class and out has been a hardship for me. The first two weeks of school have been quite stressful for me.  I am not used to having homework every day and learning to figure things out without any questions asked. When counselors say that these classes are advanced placement they really are, and they will be taught that way. It is also a learning proces


Hello, my name is Titeana Cook. I am a junior attending Ben.C.Rain High School. I have an average amount of hobbies that I like to do. My favorite hobby is being apart of the flag line for Ben.C.Rain High School. My second hobby is singing in my school's choir. My last hobby is reading books on Amazon Kindle. My expectations for this school year are to stay focused, continue to work hard, and prepared for all of my classes. I would like to pass my classes and increase my GPA each semester. I would like to be consistent with going to my ACT courses to increase my score. I would also like to further my knowledge in engineering so I could come close to my dream of becoming a mechanical engineer. Lastly, I would like to continue working hard in my bishop state classes and looking for colleges that I can apply for. I am excited for this school year to see how I can further my education.