
Showing posts from 2018

No Fear King Lear Act 1 Scene 2&3 Reflection

In Act 1 Scene 2 Edomond has a trick up hos sleeve that is causing a problem with his brother and Farther. Edmond is making it seem as if his brother, Edgar, is trying to convince him to kill his dad to inherit money. In this scene is shows that Edmond is a selfish and coniving son. He says that he should not be called a bastard but the more he moves on with this plan, he is living up to the  meaning of that harsh word. Edmond convinced that he is better than Edgar because he was made with love. Edmond seems to only want the inheritance to himself so that he can prove to others that he is the better son and no longer a bastard. On the other hand, when talking to Edgar he maker it seems that he is trying to help Edgar with thr situation going on with his father. Edmond is trying to hide  Edgar away but in the end it may seem as if Edgar is making a plan or trying to run away, In Act 1 Scene 2 Goneril seems to be fed up with her father’s tactics. She is stating to her servant that it i

Psalm 137 Analysis

Psalm 137 is an explanation of how being away from ones' belief of sacred ground could give one the ability to be unsure of their faith or forget about the word of God. In this Psalm there is a land called Zion which is where people worshiped God and had strong beliefs. Captives came to their land  and captured them and took them Babylon. Babylon was a place where people were against God. When they were captured from Zion they hung their harps as an act of defiance from the captives to show them their home is Zion. This defiance shows that they would be willing to put up a fight for the word of God. As they were traveling they were told to sing a song of Zion but they did not understand how they could in a strange land. This showed that they may be losing some faith because God can be worshiped at any moment, time, or place. Throughout the Psalm they were realizing their loss of faith so they talked to Jerusalem to discuss punishments if they would ever forget the word of God. The

Comparison of Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow

Infant Joy is a poem written by William Blake that is describing how new born could bring joy into the world. In Infant Joy the speaker is speaking as the infant to show how the infant is innocent and can not help but to be joyful. This novel is explaining to readers that an infant comes into the world unamed but still is full of happiness. When a child is brung into the world there are mixed emotions of happiness and sadness. In Infant Sorrow the unhappiness of an infant being born is described. In this poem the speaker is speaking to the parents of the world who are scared when their child is born.  This describes that as the child is born into this world they are only used to being in their mothers wound. When the infant is released from the wound it is released into thia toxic society that would push him towards his mothers breast. Infant Joy and Imfant sorrow are two poems that establish a voice to parents and newborns feelings when they are born. They are both pointing out the

My Reader Profile

Reading is a subject that I love due to its great selection of novels and types of writing but there are certain readings that I would have trouble understanding. Prose and poetry is my weakest category because i have problems with finding rhetorical devices and actually understanding what the poet is trying to communicate through their choice of words. Poetry is a subject that I would need to have the ability to read between the lines and analyze phrases and choice of devices. There are times when I can read between the lines if they are creating an image with there words but mostly prose and poetry will remain my weakest subject. Reading is not all about prose and poetry so without that course reading is a hobby that I would enjoy because it gives me something to look forward to throughout the day. Reading is a way that I can find something that relates to me while also receiving knowledge in different subjects. Reading has the ability to calm ones mood and it gives me the passion t

A Worn Path Reflection

  The Worn Path is a passage that has a twist to it. It would give one the idea that it is based on how African Americans were in the slavery days but that is not the clue. The title of this passage basically explains the meaning. Phoenix has been on this one path for so long that her obstacles are the same and age has worn it out. She has worn out a path that does not really benefits her. She has been through the same path so much that it has worn her out so much that's she forgets what is her reason for coming. This passage symbolizes life as a whole.    Their are times in life when someone goes down the same obstacles and deals with the same twist and turns that they forget the reason there doing it. Pheonix may have forgotten why she makes the trip but she know that it is for a good cause. She may feel like their are some parts of the path that try to make her turn around but she knows she will not let them stop her. This passage has given encouragement that no matter how ma

The Rockpile Reflection

   The Rockpile is an interesting story about how one incident could turn it into a family matter. Elizabeth banned her children from playing on a rockpile outside of their house but her reasoning seemed as if it did not benefit her children. It may have been concluded that she banned them from being on the rockpile because she did not want them to adapt to the juvenile ways of the other children nor did she want to be judged by her church members. Roy decided that he wanted to disobey his mom by playing on the rockpile,but he may have only did that because his friends were down there and he did not want to seem uncool. Roy's personality in this passage was boastful. He was portrayed as a brat because he was Gabriel's first biological son. Due to John not being Gabriel's biological son the story hit a turning point when Gabriel came home which was totally unfair.    When Gabriel got home he rushed to Roy instantly. He did not question what his story he just interpreted tha

Lesson Before Dying Reflection

     Throughout the "Lesson Before Dying I felt that Jefferson would bee unteachable. He was being a mute and he gave Grant and the rest of his family the cold shoulder. For that reason I would never think that Jefferson and Grant would become friends in the end. It was very unexpected for the to become friends but when they did the novel took a turn in a good direction. When Jefferson actually talked it showed his personality and expressed that he was not ungrateful for Grant coming to visit him, he just never had anyone actually believe in him. The author publishing Jefferson's diary in the end was the most interesting part. It showed how Jefferson felt in that cell when Grant their and it made it visible to see Jefferson's growth throughout the novel.      When it got closer to Jefferson's date it made a feel emotional. In the end of the book the reader could that the delivery of the chair made the town stop. From whites to blacks they both felt sympathy for Jeff

Letter to Grant

Hello, Grant I am glad to see that you have turned to our service for help. We will do the best that we can to help you through your problem. Due to the fact that he has been accused of a crime that he did not commit he may be depressed. To get him into a talkative mood you may need to remind him of the happy moments he has had with his godmother. Since he has believed that he is a hog question him about the meaning of hog ask him '' Have you been a hog all of your life? ". That would be your chance to get him thinking. If he continues to not talk to you just keep talking to him and joke around with him to get him in a happy mood. Give him the mindset that he is not a hog and that you are here to prove the jury wrong and make him a better man. Get him to believe that he is human and that he is better than what they are betraying him to be. The most important fact is remind him that he is not guilty of this crime.Thank you G rant for coming to our company for help. I hope t