
Showing posts from August, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 2

When I began my AP class on the first day of school, I felt that I was prepared. My first block is AP Chemistry, in the beginning, I was excited because I have taken this class before and I enjoyed it. When I got further into the class during these last two weeks I noticed that it is more challenging than honor classes and the class moves faster. My third block is Pre-Calculus and I enjoy math so, that class is not as difficult. My fourth block is AP English, the hardest class of them all. This class is treated as a college class. In this class, every assignment is timed and I am not accustomed to this yet, therefore, every assignment in class and out has been a hardship for me. The first two weeks of school have been quite stressful for me.  I am not used to having homework every day and learning to figure things out without any questions asked. When counselors say that these classes are advanced placement they really are, and they will be taught that way. It is also a learning proces


Hello, my name is Titeana Cook. I am a junior attending Ben.C.Rain High School. I have an average amount of hobbies that I like to do. My favorite hobby is being apart of the flag line for Ben.C.Rain High School. My second hobby is singing in my school's choir. My last hobby is reading books on Amazon Kindle. My expectations for this school year are to stay focused, continue to work hard, and prepared for all of my classes. I would like to pass my classes and increase my GPA each semester. I would like to be consistent with going to my ACT courses to increase my score. I would also like to further my knowledge in engineering so I could come close to my dream of becoming a mechanical engineer. Lastly, I would like to continue working hard in my bishop state classes and looking for colleges that I can apply for. I am excited for this school year to see how I can further my education.